Custom Blending

Chefs & Managers:
With hundreds of in-stock ingredients we blend your existing recipe or formulate a unique recipe for your project (often at lower-than expected costs.)
If you're currently clogging your pantry with dozens of overpriced spice containers and paying prep staff to (not) follow your recipes correctly, we will save you money, space, waste and headache by blending and delivering in 4 business days or less.
Our facility is inspected by the state of MI and USDA + FDA-registered.
We employ industry-standard sanitation practices, secure warehousing and allergen controls.
We blend volumes from 5 lb to 50,000 lb.

Order Our Coffee
Specialty Grocers
We specialize in private-label retail provisioning for your specialty brand. Seasonings, spices, herbs and teas for specialty retail. Build your brand and strengthen customer relationships by selling your own house-branded dry goods in any format to fit your customers' buying habits.
We produce stunning, great-value products from 1 to 18 oz units. Our SKUs are consistently the highest-volume & highest-margin seasoning and spice items in the store. We make the setup process fast and painless so that you can get selling.
Local Specialty Brands
Our highly-customizable machines and staff make us a leader in local, small-batch co-packing. We can put any non-liquid into any container, at the lowest cost around.
We Offer:
Globally-registered barcodes for all commerce.
Full ingredient tracking and recall monitoring.

Custom Packaging


With decades of food retail experience we support your retail & food service operations with service and understanding.
We supply bulk blends & ingredients for:
Deli counters & prepared foods departments
Meat & seafood departments
Cafes, restaurants, bakeries & caterers.
With unlimited custom pack-sizes, we support your recipe batches, prep operations and line cook's daily mise.
We provide guidance and recipes for merchandising, prepping, cooking and selling fresh Meat & Seafood
Fresh sausage recipes, seasonings and know-how
Value-added retail meat products for boosting sales and customer loyalty with brines, rubs, marinades & more.
Fresh seafood merchandising & recipes for increased sales.
Your daily grind should be supported and boosted by a reliable supplier you & your crew can count on for consistency, quality and constant communication.

qualia [qua·li·a] plural noun (/ˈkwɑːliə/ or /ˈkweɪliə/); singular form: quale/ˈkwälēə/
In philosophy and certain models of psychology, qualia are defined as individual instances of subjective, conscious experience. The subjective component of sense perceptions, arising from stimulation of the senses by phenomena.
The taste of a strawberry · The smell of spiced wine · The warmth of a hot mug · The lingering heat of a chili · The crunch of an almond · The aroma of chocolate · The rumbling of a hungry stomach · The scattering of light across a steaming cup · The blueness of barbecue smoke · The sound of a sizzling pan · The weight of a burrito · The ripeness of cheese · The sourness of a lime · The scent of vanilla · Qualia.